Story a day: Secret

This was to prompt that was received to write a story today.

The Prompt

The Secret.  Your character has one, or knows about one. Will it be kept, or disclosed?

I have decided to write a short story to cover this, even though I could have done it with the characters of my work in progress, I had already written that scene and I thought that it is a good time to write something new 🙂


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Alison finished revealing the last of her plans for the night ahead. Then she thoughtfully stirred her coffee before waving the spoon at her companion. “Remember, this is all a secret, so, don’t tell anybody!”

Sam just stared back at her with those big brown eyes. Alison knew that Sam could be trusted with that secret, it seemed very strange that she had even bothered to tell him that the party was going to be a surprise. Like, D’oh! It was not like he was going to see Lisa until the surprise had actually happened, and by then surely it would not matter if he said anything about it.

He shook his head before turning his attention back to the food that had been placed in front of him. He was surprised that anybody had told their secret to Alison because she was the biggest gossip that he had ever met. The fact that she had just told him all about the night just want to prove it.

Alison looked at Sam and grinned. By confiding in him she found that she had soothed the need that she had to tell someone all about the secret. If she had not told him, then she would have told anyone else; probably Lisa. There was going to be no way that she was going to be the person to ruin the surprise, even though everybody had assumed that she would be.

No, she had got round that idea by confiding the details of the party to her dog. Alison gave him a pet, and an extra biscuit for listening.

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