The Ark of Likes

Climb on the ark…

C.S. Wilde

I’ve created a Facebook page (say whaaa?)

Yes. Yes I did.

And here’s the deal: I’m making an ark of likes. That’s right. The ark will be full at 100 followers, and I need your help to get there!

You can click on my LIKE button in the sidebar –>

OR, you can click here to go to my page facebook_button_small

That’s  all.

Maybe once I reach 100 followers, a bunch of Nazis will show up and try to take my ark away so they can win the war, and then when they open my ark their faces will melt, making my whole journey kind of pointless.

But that remains to be seen.

dunduruduun, dundundun, dunduruduuuun, dudurundundun…

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